Quietly Alice

Other Usernames: QuietlyAlice, Quietly_Alice, Quiet Mayhem, AddictedtoRain

Furry Trash

Not so Cis-Female
She/Her (Though, I really don't care)
Bisexual and Polyamorous
Married with 2 Offspring
Battling ADHD, Anxiety, and Chronic Depression
Lover of many
Wanna be Author and Illustrator
Secretary by Day and Lazy by night

Things I love: Space, Birds, Cats, Dogs, Animals, Stuffed Animals, Fortnite, Pokemon, Disney, Sanrio, Crocheting, Crafting, Bojack Horseman, Cursive Handwriting, Calligraphy, Nail Art, Pinterest, Imgur, Instagram, Reddit, Libby, Reading, Fire, Rain, Original Characters, Furry Characters, Body Horror, Dragons, Unicorns, Rabbits, My Little Pony, Tattoos, Zombies, Ditto Face Pokemon, Stitch and Angel, Star Wars Legends (Formerly Expanded Universe)

Things I'm against: Phobia against people (Trans, Bi, Pan, Cis, Homo, etc.), Pushy People, Assholes, being yelled at, wet socks, neo-nazis, Women who think because they gave birth to a child that they deserve special treatment, Being called a "Breeder", Entitled People, Tumblr Discourse, Fandom Drama

Where to Find Me: